IHC Institute of Contemporary History

Investigação - Unidades de I&D


The Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) develops its activity with an interdisciplinary approach, covering a wide range of topics concerning the conceptualization, contextualization and interpretation of the historical reality of the period between the Napoleonic wars and the present time. The recognition that the IHC receives from the academic, scientific, educational, and cultural sectors
in Portugal makes it an attraction Centre for a significant number of early-career researchers and professionals from several fields, namely archive, education, culture and tourism, and from state bodies. The
IHC has research facilities both in Lisbon, at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, and in Évora, at the University of Évora.

Principal Investigator: José Neves, NOVA FCSH

Évora’s Coordinator: Fátima Nunes

Type of Collaboration: NOVA-Évora