CINTESIS Center for Health Technology and Services Research

Investigação - Unidades de I&D


CINTESIS’s mission is to find answers and solutions, in the short term, to relevant health problems, without ever losing sight of the cost-benefit ratio. Hosted at the University of Porto, CINTESIS takes
pride in its multicenter, decentralized and flexible nature grounded in 46 partner institutions (29 Higher Education institutions, 12 hospitals/health institutions and 5 health companies) and 8 Higher
Education institutions acting as hubs, namely, 5 universities (University of Porto, NOVA University Lisbon, University of Aveiro, University of Algarve, University of Madeira) and 1 Polytechnic Institution
(Nursing School of Porto).
Altogether, the center aggregates over 500 researchers, in 24 research groups working in 3 main thematic lines: Preventive Health and Societal Challenges (TL1), Clinical and Translational Research (TL2),
and Health Data and Decision Sciences & Information Technologies (TL3).

Principal Investigator: Altamiro Costa Pereira

NOVA’s Coordinator: Conceição Calhau, NOVA Medical School

Algarve’s Coordinator: Ana Teresa Maia

Type of Collaboration: NOVA-Algarve

Other entities: University of Aveiro; University of Madeira; Polytechnic Institute of Porto.