Portugal is a country of demographic, climatic and cultural contrasts, from North to South and from the coastline to the hinterland.

It is the recognition of these contrasts that makes it possible to distinguish between an Atlantic Portugal, in the center and northern regions of the country, and a Mediterranean Portugal in the Alentejo and Algarve regions located in the south. In this scenario, Lisbon is the great reference for their urban, social and economic development, despite the disparities that exist within and between regions.
It is in this context that the South Campus emerges, an Association formed by the University of Algarve, University of Évora and NOVA University Lisbon, with the mission of contributing to the strengthening of the territorial cohesion and sustainable development of the South.

Based on the knowledge produced and its innovation capacity, embodied in the existing collaborative laboratories and centers for the valorization and transfer of technology, the South Campus intends to promote the qualification and advanced training of the resources installed in the regions, to carry out research with impact and develop innovative solutions that respond to the Sustainability Goals, and to support Portugal’s Economic Recovery Plan to create a more sustainable South.


  • Campus Sul


    The universities of Algarve, Évora and NOVA de Lisboa are partners in several national and European research projects in different scientific fields, with a special focus on the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Environment and Heritage

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  • Campus Sul


    The universities of Algarve, Évora and NOVA de Lisboa already offer joint study cycles in various areas of knowledge, at the level of masters and doctorates, providing a unique learning experience, and mobilizing a vast academic body.

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